By Valerie Conn, Vice President, Science Philanthropy AllianceOn July 8, nearly 100 representatives from our research partner institutions gathered at UC Berkeley to discuss how to effectively engage philanthropists. Many attendees were concerned about the decline of federal funding of discovery science, and welcomed the growing interest from private foundations and philanthropists in funding…
Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation and The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation Join Science Philanthropy Alliance as Associate MembersJuly 12, 2016, Palo Alto, CA – The Science Philanthropy Alliance announced that the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation and The Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fund for Strategic Innovation have joined the Alliance to…
Inside Philanthropy's Tate Williams interviews Alliance president Marc Kastner about the need for private funding of discovery science and the Alliance's role.
In this third Inside Philanthropy article about Heising-Simons Foundation, Cyndi Atherton talks about the foundation's approach to science philanthropy. Atherton says the "ability to be patient, and open to the twists and turns that happen in fundamental research, [is] one of the hallmarks of good science philanthropy."
Alliance member Heising-Simons Foundation discusses giving to discovery science, particularly the physical sciences and climate science.
Harvey Fineberg, president of the Moore Foundation, talks about discovery science and the Science Philanthropy Alliance in this Q&A with Philanthropy News Digest.
The Simons Foundation, an Alliance member, contributes $40 million towards an observatory in Chile to study the origin of the universe.
Inside Philanthropy reports on the key findings of the Science Philanthropy Alliance's survey of universities on private giving to discovery science.
Inside the Simons Foundation: Big Philanthropy on the Frontiers of Science [via Inside Philanthropy]
An in-depth look at the Simons Foundation, one of the top 40 foundations in the U.S., and its focus on giving to discovery science.
Download the summary of the survey results.Read the Chronicle of Philanthropy story about the survey.Read the Inside Philanthropy story about the survey.NEWS RELEASEPrivate Funding for discovery science Research at U.S. Universities and Colleges Exceeds $1.2 billion in 2015Life sciences attracts half of all basic research fundingFoundations are the biggest…