Heising-Simons Foundation, The Klarman Family Foundation, The Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation, and The Wellcome Trust join as new Alliance members April 28, 2016, Palo Alto, CA – The Science Philanthropy Alliance sciencephilanthropyalliance.org announced today that four leaders in science philanthropy have joined as members, providing additional support to the effort to increase giving to discovery…
Sandy and Joan Weill give big to brain research with a $185 million gift.
Alliance advisor Robert Birgeneau, an internationally distinguished physicist and chancellor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, received the National Science Foundation's prestigious Vannevar Bush Award. Read the announcement.
With Paul Allen’s announcement last month to support bioscience with a $100 million gift, yesterday's announcement of Yuri Milner’s plan to send a fleet of probes to Alpha Centauri with initial funding of $100 million, and today's announcement by Sean Parker’s Foundation of a $250 million gift for cancer research, it is clear that interest in supporting science research is…
Sean Parker's foundation is giving $250 million to fund cancer research, focusing on immunotherapy and new tumor antigen targets.
Yuri Milner announces a plan to send a fleet of robot spacecraft to Alpha Centauri, provides initial funding of $100 million for research and development.
A guest editorial in Science Magazine by Paul Allen about the exciting opportunities in bioscience and discovery science. Read the article here.
Paul Allen announces a $100 million commitment over 10 years to fund bioscience.
Following the news of the discovery of gravitational waves, The New York Times editorial board weighed in on the importance of basic scientific research as a journey of discovery rather than a rush to solutions. Read the article: How Gravitational Waves Connect to Quantum Optics.
The announcement of the first direct observation of gravity waves reminds us of how exciting discovery science can be.