Rita Allen Foundation Joins Science Philanthropy Alliance as Associate Member
August 11, Palo Alto, CA–The Science Philanthropy Alliance announced that the Rita Allen Foundation has joined the Alliance, further building the network of foundations and institutions that are supporting efforts to increase private funding for discovery science.
The Rita Allen Foundation invests in transformative ideas in their earliest stages to leverage their growth and promote breakthrough solutions to significant problems. It enables early-career biomedical scholars to do pioneering research, seeds innovative approaches to fostering informed civic engagement, and develops knowledge and networks to build the effectiveness of the philanthropic sector. Throughout its work, the Foundation embraces collaboration, creativity, learning and leadership.
“Early-career researchers are lifeblood of innovative science,” said Marc Kastner, president of the Alliance. “We are very pleased to welcome the Rita Allen Foundation, which has a long and distinguished record of supporting young scholars, and they can share this experience with other foundations and philanthropists.”
About Science Philanthropy Alliance
The Alliance’s mission is to increase private funding for discovery science research. It does this by providing advice and learning opportunities for individual philanthropists and foundation staffs on how to support basic research most effectively. The Science Philanthropy Alliance was founded in 2012 by six organizations: the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The Kavli Foundation, the Simons Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
Contact: Ruby Barcklay, 1.510.612.5180, rbarcklay@sciphil.org