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Strategic Plan

The Power and Promise of Philanthropy for Science

In June 2022, the Alliance finalized a strategic plan to equip the organization with the mission, vision, values, and focus needed to guide its work through 2027. With oversight and guidance from the Alliance Advisory Board, President France Córdova, and Strategy Director Kate Lowry, the plan was developed by a roundtable consisting of 10 individuals from Alliance member organizations. Through a series of meetings, a survey of Alliance members, and discussions at Alliance events, the roundtable crafted this plan with an emphasis on how the organization can help realize the power and promise of science philanthropy.

The plan outlines how the Alliance will work to increase philanthropic support for science and make this giving more impactful and effective through advising services, platforms for shared learning, and other activities for philanthropic science funders. In turn, the Alliance believes that this will advance scientific discovery and lead to greater benefits to society and the planet.

About the Plan


A world that increasingly supports and realizes the full benefit of scientific discovery.​


To advance scientific discovery through visionary philanthropy.


The Alliance pursues and encourages learning, curiosity, and innovation; collaboration, sharing and partnerships; and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Strategic Pillars

This strategic plan is underpinned by two foundational, interrelated pillars. These pillars focus on discovery science, also known as discovery science or foundational, early-stage scientific research, the eventual applications of which cannot always be anticipated at the outset. It is fundamental research that can be driven by curiosity, focused on discovery, inspired by potential use, or motivated by hoped-for outcomes.

New philanthropy for science

  • Attracting new funders to invest in science
  • Positioning and promoting science philanthropy

More impactful and effective science philanthropy

  • Sharing science funding trends
  • Partnering for impact and effectiveness
  • Identifying funding opportunities
  • Facilitating shared learning and collaboration

Strategy Roundtable

The Alliance's strategic plan was authored by a 10-person Strategy Roundtable consisting of individuals from member organizations. This group was organized by Alliance President France Córdova and led by Strategy Director Kate Lowry with guidance from the Alliance Advisory Board, including the board's Strategic Planning Committee co-chaired by Elizabeth Christopherson and Claire Pomeroy.

  • Yaw Agyeman. Adaptive Management and Evaluation Officer, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  • Cyndi Atherton, Science Program Director, Heising-Simons Foundation
  • Roxanne Delaney, Assistant Vice President, Simons Foundation
  • Andrew Feig, Senior Program Director, Research Corporation for Science Advancement
  • Fatu Badiane Markey (previously Jonathan Kartt), Science Programs, Rita Allen Foundation
  • Victoria McGovern, Senior Program Officer, Burroughs Wellcome Fund
  • Evan Michelson, Program Director, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • Khara Ramos (previously Carolyn Asbury), Vice President of Neuroscience and Society, Dana Foundation
  • Beatrice Renault, Chief Strategy Officer, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
  • Brooke Smith, Director of Science and Society, The Kavli Foundation

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