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What We Do

Marc Kastner, former president of the Science Philanthropy Alliance, describes the Alliance’s work

The Science Philanthropy Alliance is a community of funders who work together to inspire new, emerging and current philanthropists to dedicate a portion of their philanthropy to discovery science. Alliance members act both as champions and advisors to other philanthropists to ensure more private funding is earmarked for the kinds of research initiatives that have led to the scientific, technological and medical breakthroughs that fuel our technology and information-driven economy of the 21st century. Alliance members also work together to increase the impact and effectiveness of science philanthropy through partnership, shared learning, and collaboration.The Alliance does not solicit funds nor does it make grants.

We Advise

We Advise

The Alliance provides personalized advisory services that match the goals, visions, and desires of new, emerging and current philanthropists.

We Connect

We Connect

The Alliance connects philanthropists and their foundation staffs with Alliance members, as well as a network of highly accomplished and distinguished scientists and researchers in life sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics who are able to provide unmatched insight on how to create the greatest scientific impact. Learn more by visiting Who We Are.

We Inform

We Inform

The Alliance works in tandem with philanthropists, scientists, and research institutions to identify best practices in discovery science funding. We provide regular updates to philanthropists and their foundation staffs about the best approaches for successful science philanthropy.

We Convene

We Convene

To advise and mentor individuals and foundations regarding science philanthropy, the Alliance convenes workshops, scientific immersions, and intimate topic-specific meetings on both science and philanthropy. At these events, globally recognized scientists and philanthropic thought leaders share knowledge, models, and mechanisms for effective science funding.
Many of the great advancements in society and technology are built upon the foundation provided by discovery science discoveries. Today the need for philanthropic individuals and organizations to support discovery science has never been greater.

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