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The World Doesn’t Yet Know Enough to Beat the Coronavirus [via The Atlantic]

The united states and  many other nations are launching a life-threatening experiment. They are rapidly and perhaps prematurely easing restrictions on businesses and social activity—even as the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is still prevalent and much of the population remains susceptible to the disease it causes, COVID-19. The understandable desire to restore normal life quickly has…

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Science Philanthropy Typically Requires Patience. Now Funders Have to Act Fast [via Inside Philanthropy]

“There has not been a large funding community around infectious diseases, except for the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust, maybe because it hasn’t felt urgent,” said Valerie Conn, president of the Science Philanthropy Alliance, an organization formed earlier this decade with a mission to give philanthropists the background they need to support the stately procession…

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Press Release: France Córdova announced Senior Science Advisor at Science Philanthropy Alliance [Alliance News]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Palo Alto, California – May 5, 2020 – The Science Philanthropy Alliance (the Alliance) welcomes France A. Córdova, Ph.D., as senior science advisor.In March, Dr. Cordova concluded a six-year term as director of the National Science Foundation. At NSF, she oversaw a pivot in strategy to spotlight big ideas with potentially…

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Korean researchers unveil genome map of COVID-19 for 1st time [via Korean Biomedical Review]

A group of Korean researchers has drawn a genome map for the first time by tracing how the virus related to COVID-19 evolves within an infected cell, the Institute for discovery science (IBS) said Friday.Several scientists in the world managed to sequence the SARS-CoV-2. However, the Korean research team has released a more comprehensive map…

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