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Lustgarten Foundation Awards $22 Million for Pancreatic Cancer Research [via PR Newswire]

The Lustgarten Foundation announced today that it funded $22 million in 2017 as part of its commitment to invest $40 million  by the end of 2018.  In addition to funding the most accomplished scientists in pancreatic cancer research, the foundation is attracting new researchers to the field.Understanding the basic biology of pancreatic cancer enables the Foundation to get to the very core of the disease. Every…

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Open Philanthropy Project pours funds into high-risk research [via Nature]

Nature features Dustin Moskovitz and his wife Cari Tuna's Open Philanthropy Project, which has significantly boosted its spending to $200 million this year, of which around $40 million was on scientific research.Open Phil, based in San Francisco, California, acknowledges the high odds of failure of the basic research it funds and, for a private funder, publishes brutally…

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Glen de Vries Gives $10 million to Endow Carnegie Mellon Science Deanship [via CMU]

Carnegie Mellon University alumnus Glen de Vries, co-founder and president of Medidata, has donated $10 million to endow the chair of the dean of CMU's Mellon College of Science (MCS). The gift by de Vries, will allow the university to invest in fundamental sciences, in interdisciplinary initiatives, and in faculty and students. Read the CMU press release…

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The Sloan Foundation’s 25-year Partnership with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

A Science Philanthropy Success StoryTaking to the Stars: the Sloan Foundation's 25-year Partnership with the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyDownload the Sloan SDSS philanthropy story pdf for webWhen the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) was conceived, there wasn’t anything like it. At the time, astronomical survey research was conducted by exposing and…

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Brotman and Baty Families Donate $50 million to UW Precision Medicine [via Univ of Washington and Seattle Times]

Jeffrey and Susan Brotman and Pam and Dan Baty have made a $50 million gift to create an institute for precision medicine at the University of Washington. Read the university's announcement here and the Seattle Times story here.According to Dr. Jay Shendure, the UW geneticist who will lead the institute: “Precision medicine aims to use an…

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End of year message from Marc Kastner, president of Science Philanthropy Alliance

Dear Science Philanthropy Alliance community,I started the year with concern about the state of funding for discovery science research. U.S. government funding for discovery science has been declining steadily since the start of this decade as our nation’s discretionary budget, the primary source of support for scientific research in the U.S., continues to shrink. Brexit…

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Ray Dolby’s Estate Donates £85m to Cambridge physics laboratory [via Financial Times and Cambridge University]

American innovator Ray Dolby's estate gave $100 million to help build Cambridge University's new Cavendish laboratory. The gift is "the largest philanthropic donation ever made to UK science,” according to the university.Read the Financial Times story here and the Cambridge University announcement here.

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Breakthrough Prize Winners [via The Mercury News, Forbes]

Forbes and The Mercury News report on the red carpet event announcing the Breakthrough Prizes for 2017, totalling $22 million.From The Mercury News:The awards, conceived by theoretical physics dropout and entrepreneur Yuri Milner, are funded by Milner and his wife, Julia, and several Silicon Valley tech titans: Sergey Brin, of Google; Anne Wojcicki, of 23andMe; and Facebook…

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