Valerie Conn is executive director of the Science Philanthropy AllianceTwice a year, the members of the Science Philanthropy Alliance gather to talk about the successes and challenges they face…
The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group recently announced a $10 million gift to create an Allen Discovery Center at the University of Washington Medicine for cell mapping, and another $10…
This video illustrates the May 5, 2017 Washington Post commentary by Eric Lander, president and founding director of the Broad Institute and Eric Schmidt, Alliance member and the executive chairman of Alphabet. It describes…
The Science Philanthropy Alliance announced that the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has joined as an associate member.The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative was launched in December 2015 by Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO…
Alliance member Shelby White, founder of the Leon Levy Foundation, received the 2017 Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy. Read more here. Past Alliance members who have received the award include Fred Kavli,…
The Science Philanthropy Alliance (the "Alliance") announced that Valerie Conn will become Executive Director of the organization effective July 1, 2017. Marc Kastner will continue as President of the Alliance.…
Inside Philanthropy describes the Rita Allen Foundation's science giving program.The Rita Allen Foundation focuses its science research grantmaking on early-career scientists studying cancer, immunology, and neuroscience.
Wudan Yan discusses non-government sources of funding for scientific research, including philanthropy.
“When federal funding declines, then philanthropic funding becomes more important,” says Marc Kastner, the president of the Science Philanthropy…
Tate Williams discusses the challenges of evaluating discovery science giving, and the meetings that the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Science Philanthropy Alliance members have held to address them.