Tate Williams profiles the Simons Foundation's new Flatiron Institute, a privately-funded research center which brings "multiple disciplines into one shop, united by an emphasis on computational methods."
Marc Kastner, president of Science Philanthropy Alliance, recently wrote in a San Jose Mercury News op-ed:"With many recent high-profile announcements about science philanthropy, some may wonder if philanthropy could replace…
Eric S. Lander, president of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University and Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Alphabet, the parent company of Google, write about the importance of…
Robert Kirshner, chief program officer for science at our founding member organization, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, writes about the importance of supporting science:"...science is for the long term good of…
L. Rafael Reif, president of MIT, writes about the economic impact of basic research and the important role the government plays in funding it:"Only about six percent of industry funding goes…
Tate Williams discusses the proposed budget cuts to science research and the role of science philanthropy in relation to government funding:"...science philanthropy and the research it funds make up just one…
Five leading universities will receive $12.5 million from the Beckman Foundation for state-of-the-art Cryo-EM instrumentation. In support of the foundation’s mission of supporting research breakthroughs in chemistry and the life sciences, the…
Marc Kastner, president of the Science Philanthropy Alliance, shares his thoughts on the roles that government, philanthropy, and corporations play in funding discovery science research.
This BBC article notes: "The Simons Foundation has given the cash for studies into the biological mechanisms that underpin changes in brain development linked with autism. Autism spectrum disorders affect…
Philanthropy News Digest reports on the Science Philanthropy Alliance's survey which shows U.S. research institutions received more than $2.3 billion in private funding for discovery science research in 2016.