The Science Philanthropy Alliance announced that The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust and Winton Philanthropies have joined the Alliance as associate members.
The Helmsley Charitable Trust…
This Giving Tuesday, the AAAS published an article about the importance of philanthropy in advancing science. The article mentions Marc Kastner, president of the Alliance.
The Lasker Foundation, one of our members, recently featured two articles on giving to discovery science.The Foundation discusses philanthropy's role in supporting scientific research in "Enlisting Philanthropies to Invest in…
Marilyn Simons, President of Simons Foundation, and Jim Simons, Chair of Simons Foundation, offer their insights about what works in science philanthropy.
Erika Hayden from Nature Magazine interviewed Marc Kastner, president of the Science Philanthropy Alliance, about the Alliance's plans to increase private funding for discovery science, and the role we played…
Congratulations to this year's Nobel Prize winners for their breakthrough work in discovery science!A Japan Times story about this year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine awarded to Japanese microbiologist Yoshinori Ohsumi, shows…
The Science Philanthropy Alliance announced that Robert Tjian , biochemist at the University of California at Berkeley and former president of Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), has joined the…