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Philanthropy: A Critical Player in Supporting Scientific Research [Alliance blog]

Marc Kastner is president of the Science Philanthropy AllianceAs former dean of science at MIT and now as president of the Science Philanthropy Alliance, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to support the best, most innovative science. The role that various funders, including government, industry, academia, and philanthropy play in funding…

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Leaders in Science Philanthropy Share their Visions [Alliance blog]

Valerie Conn is executive director of the Science Philanthropy AllianceThe leaders of three major U.S. science foundations participated in a panel discussion at a Science Philanthropy Alliance meeting this summer. Bob Conn, president and CEO of The Kavli Foundation, Adam Falk, president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and Dan Linzer, president and CEO of…

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CZI Awards Over $51 Million to Fight Neurodegenerative Disorders, Including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s [via]

The CZI Neurodegeneration Challenge Network brings together experimental scientists from diverse research fields — neuroscience, cell biology, biochemistry, immunology, and genomics — along with computational biologists and physicians, to understand the underlying causes of neurodegenerative disorders.Read the announcement here.Read a Medium post by Katja Brose, science program officer at the Chan Zuckerberg Science Initiative.

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Deep Dive: Two of America’s Wealthiest Philanthropists Are Teaming Up to Protect the Oceans [via Inside Philanthropy]

Tate Williams writes about the Bloomberg-OceanX initiative, which will coordinate activities, to some extent, between Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Vibrant Oceans Initiative, and Ray and his son Mark Dalio’s OceanX, an exploration and media outfit. The joint initiative pledged $185 million to oceans work over the next four years.Read the story here.

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Harvard Medical School receives record $200 million gift [via Boston Globe]

The Boston Globe reports that Harvard Medical School has received a $200 million donation — the largest in its history — to support research into fundamental questions about human illness and health."...Harvard officials said the gift promotes loftier goals than just new hires and purchases. The money, they said, will free researchers to pursue the questions…

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A Billionaire’s Dying Wish: A $10 Million Prize To Fight Brain Diseases [via Forbes]

Michela Tindera writes: The estate of legendary billionaire investor Richard Rainwater will fund a series of multimillion-dollar prizes to fight degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s...The largest award, called the Rainwater Breakthrough Prize, will give out prizes in $2 million, $4 million or $10 million increments to find FDA-approved treatments for PSP. The second prize, called the Rainwater Milestone…

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Bloomberg Philanthropies and Dalio Foundation’s OceanX Announce $185 Million for New Partnership to Increase Ocean Exploration and Protection [via Bloomberg]

As two of the largest supporters of ocean protection and exploration in the world, Bloomberg and Dalio’s OceanX’s combined efforts create a critical platform that increases the world’s collective understanding of our oceans and the vital need for conservation and drives towards the shared goal of protecting the oceans. Working complementarily, Bloomberg Philanthropies’ partners will…

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