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Robert Tjian joins Science Philanthropy Alliance as consultant; Dalio Foundation and Lyda Hill Foundation join as new associate members [Alliance announcement]

  The Science Philanthropy Alliance announced that Robert Tjian , biochemist at the University of California at Berkeley and former president of Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), has joined the Alliance’s team of consultants who provide advice to members and other science philanthropists. “Tij” was one of the founders of the Alliance, and…

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Chan Zuckerberg Initiative News Roundup

Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg's announcement on September 21 generated a lot of buzz in the science and philanthropy communities. Here are just some of the stories in the media:San Jose Mercury News oped by Alliance chair and The Kavli Foundation president Bob Conn and Alliance president Marc KastnerScience Magazine editorial by David Baltimore, Science…

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Celebrating the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Commitment to discovery science Research [Alliance Commentary]

By Marc Kastner, PresidentThe Science Philanthropy Alliance is cheering Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg’s extraordinary commitment to discovery science research.  Watch our video.  The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announced today that it is making a $3 billion commitment to discovery science research, making it the second key area of focus of their philanthropy, after education.Distinguished scientist Cori…

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Science Philanthropy Alliance Welcomes Erin O’Shea to Board of Directors [Alliance announcement]

The Science Philanthropy Alliance welcomes a new board member, Erin O’Shea, who became the new president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute on September 1. Erin replaces Robert Tjian, who stepped down from his role as president of HHMI to return to the University of California at Berkeley, as HHMI’s representative on the Alliance’s board…

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Rita Allen Foundation Joins Science Philanthropy Alliance as Associate Member [News release]

Rita Allen Foundation Joins Science Philanthropy Alliance as Associate MemberAugust 11, Palo Alto, CA--The Science Philanthropy Alliance announced that the Rita Allen Foundation has joined the Alliance, further building the network of foundations and institutions that are supporting efforts to increase private funding for discovery science.The Rita Allen Foundation invests in transformative ideas in their…

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